Why I Wear King’s Camo

Let’s face it, the camo industry has come a long way in the past 10 years, and even the past 5 years. Hunters went from wearing flannel clothes and overalls, to 100% cotton clothing, to hybrid clothing that now utilizes modern day technology to increase hunting success.

This sounds great, right? Well, yes and no. Yes, because I do believe that this new clothing can and will increase your ability and comfort as a hunter, HOWEVER, this camo is expensive, very expensive.

Let’s talk about who I would consider the top 3 camo companies in the industry; Sitka, First Lite, and KUIU. All three of these companies have similar technical advances for hunting clothing, but let’s talk about prices. The price for all three companies with a basic camo T shirt is below:

Sitka Core Lightweight Crew SS                  $59.99

First Lite Men’s Wick Short Sleeve Crew     $70.00

KUIU ULTRA Merino 125 SS Crew-T          $69.99

That sure is a lot for a T shirt! Now, don’t get me wrong, I will probably own one of these brands in the future, but right now it’s just not feasible to spend between $60 and $70 on a shirt.

So, let’s talk about King’s. First of all, King’s has, I believe, some of the best desert camo I’ve seen. Their Desert Shadow pattern is perfect for desert, grassland, and even chaparral communities, which is so much of what I hunt these days. Next, King’s provides quality without the price tag. Now, they probably don’t give the same quality as one of the mentioned companies from above, but they still put out good products. If we look at their high-end shirts, they range from $29.99 to $34.99. If you’re looking for a simple cotton shirt, they’re as little as $15.99. Don’t get me wrong here, the other 3 expensive companies more than likely sell some shirts that will out-perform and out-last King’s, but it’s just not feasible for the average hunter to spend so much.


I recently purchased the King’s Performance Tech Fleece ¼ Zip, and had my first outing with it on. First of all, this thing fits amazingly – it’s a tighter fit but very long. It claims to have anti-microbial protection to prevent stinking after a long day of hunting, and is made of polyester and spandex. What I was most surprised of is that it wicks moisture and dries incredibly quickly. I was rained on a decent amount recently, and after the rain it was hardly even wet.

As a quick final note, if you’re wearing cheap cotton camo from Walmart, give King’s a try. The performance of clothing that costs you a little bit more far outweighs the benefit of saving a few dollars.

So, that’s all I have to say about King’s. For you desert hunters out there, I’d recommend King’s, though they do have patterns for mountainous areas as well. I’m going to continue growing my King’s selection, and I’ll continue to give you all reviews on their clothing, so stay tuned.

*All picture credit given to King’s, Sitka, First Lite, and KUIU