
Early Season Duck Hunting the Mogollon Rim

Early Season Duck Hunting the Mogollon Rim

Last year I acquired a credit for the Happy Jack Lodge in Northern Arizona – a one-night stay that had a year to be used. It expired the first week of November 2020, and I needed to use it.

I spoke with my Dad and we decided to try to jump some tanks on the Mogollon Rim. We would also fill our coolers with squirrels and camera cards with other wildlife that we might see. The trip itself was during the weekday so that we didn’t have to deal with crowds and other hunters.

Arizona Early Dove Season 2020 Summary

Arizona Early Dove Season 2020 Summary

Today I’m going to give you a summary of the early dove season in 2020. This summary is based upon my experience and a few others’ experiences as well.

Granted, my experiences do not dictate the totality of dove season for the rest of Arizona, but I can sure derive thoughts and hypotheses based upon them and what I’ve seen.

Why I Wouldn’t Hunt the Kaibab Plateau in 2020

Why I Wouldn’t Hunt the Kaibab Plateau in 2020

Today we are going to talk about hunting the legendary Kaibab Plateau.

If you don’t know what the Kaibab Plateau is, then get out.

Just kidding. The Kaibab Plateau is one of the most beautiful places in Arizona and is home to one of the greatest mule deer herds on earth. Kaibab also has some of the best populations of turkeys, blue grouse, squirrels, band-tailed pigeons, and more, in Arizona. It’s truly a magical place.

Well, I’m here to tell you that you shouldn’t hunt Kaibab this year.

If you got a tag this year (unless it’s for turkeys), I hope that you got point guard from AZGFD so that you can get your bonus points back.

The simple reason as to why you shouldn’t hunt Kaibab this year is due to the fire that happened earlier this year.

Spring Turkey Hunt 2020; Unit 12A

Spring Turkey Hunt 2020; Unit 12A

I know I’m a little late, but I have for you the story of my spring turkey hunt 2020 in unit 12A.

This was actually my first ever spring turkey hunt. I was excited but also a little anxious. I hadn’t practiced my turkey calling in several months and though I considered myself a natural, being rusty was inevitable. Regardless, I was ready to put a tom on the ground.